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(通讯员 郑侃)近日,我校海燕策略研究线路一夏俊芳教授团队研究成果以“Effects of vibration parameters on the interfacial adhesion system between soil and metal surface”为题在Soil & tillage research发表。研究揭示了简谐激励下土壤-机具界面粘附系统的振动脱附机理,为长江中下游农业区耕整机械减粘脱附、减阻降耗研究提供了新思路。











In actual preparation of arable lands, the soil easily adheres to soil-engaging components of tillage machinery and affects the plowing efficiency and quality, thus leading to low traction efficiency and high power consumption. It has been proposed that vibration can effectively reduce the adhesion of soils to the soil-engaging components in field operation. Here, in order to explore the vibration response characteristics of soils and the mechanism for soil detachment under sine wave vibration, a vibration detachment measurement system of soils was assembled with an acceleration sensor, an electric vibration generator, a power amplifier and a data acquisition system. The measurement system was then used to study the effects of three vibration characteristic parameters (amplitude, frequency and time) on the interfacial adhesion system between soil and metal surface (ASSM) in both tangential and normal directions. Taking the soil detachment rate as a representative characteristic of ASSM, the effect of each factor was analyzed through single-factor experiments. The optimal interval of each vibration parameter was determined based on the experiment results. According to the orthogonal experimental design and analysis, we established a mathematical model for the relationship between the vibration soil detachment rate and the vibration parameters, as well as identified their primary and secondary order and interaction effect on the soil detachment rate. As determined by response surface analysis, the optimal combination of parameters for soil detachment rate in the tangential direction is vibration amplitude of 7.99 g, vibration frequency of 42.87 Hz and vibration time of 26.03 s, and that in the normal direction is vibration amplitude of 9.00 g, vibration frequency of 59.76 Hz and vibration time of 88.20 s. The relative errors of the optimization results are 1.05% and 2.65%, respectively, which are generally consistent with the prediction results of regression equation. These results indicate that the mathematical model can be used to predict and evaluate soil adhesion under vibration. Therefore, the soil detachment performance of ASSM can be enhanced by a reasonable setting of vibration parameters, which may be of great significance for improving the working quality and efficiency of tillage machinery.
